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Tudor Challenge - 3rd August 2024

by Jane Mitchell

Four intrepid members of Affinity,  Ian, Christina, Oli, our cox, and myself took up the Tudor Challenge. We were also fortunate enough to be joined by three other rowers from Rowhedge Nina, Vicky and Steve who were also looking for a challenge.

We set off at 7am from Seaford with Knucker securely hitched to Oli's car for our journey down to Tudor Sailing Club, to what was described as "a race you wouldn't want to miss!"

The Tudor Challenge is a 10 mile rowing race for fixed seat craft, held in the beautiful water of Langstone Harbour. This event draws clubs from across the South all eager to take on the challenging waters.

Various types of costal crafts would also be racing with us. Bursledon, Celtic and Pilot gigs, Felixstowe Clayton Skiff and Solent Galley's. Handicaps applied to crafts based on OY (Ouse Yardstick).

Once at Langstone Harbour we met up with our Rowhedge crew members, had a bit to eat and prepared Knucker ready to be launched. Cox and Crew briefing took place at 10am, first boats were due to start at 11.30am followed by us (Cornish Gigs) at 11.40am.

A well organised group of Tudor members lent a hand to launch us at the end of the slipway as we clambered into Knucker. All aboard we rowed off towards the start line and got the feel of the water until it was time to take up this challenge.

We got a good start, but the weather was windy; Wind over tide, which gave us waves and white horses. This was not going to be an easy row. When Oli told us we had reached the half way mark there was a sense of achievement and relief, but we all knew that we had the same distance to cover again!

Having said this, it was great fun passing other boats on route, who were also struggling against the wind and waves.

Once the finish line was in sight we gave it our all. Would we do it again NO, but YES, of course we would, and can definitely recommend and will be encouraging all members to give it a go next year.

Off to the bar where well earned beer was the order of the day,  whilst sea shanties were sung by a small band for us to enjoy as we waited for the last boat to arrive. Finally they arrived to an overwhelming ovation and the presentation started.

Had we won anything? Maybe? Amazing yes to our surprise 2 rosettes!

1st rosette - 2nd place Cornish Gig

1st was Taran - Lewes Pilot Gig Club

3rd was Cockleshell - Eastney Cruising Association.

2nd rosette - 3rd place for the fastest mix crew

Overall result 8th out of 27 boats

Our time recorded at 2hrs 7.29mins

A big thank you to Oli, our cox, tower and organiser. To Nina, Vicky & Steve - Rowhedge crew for jumping in with us and making this challenge possible. Lastly to Tudor for hosting, plus all the other clubs attending that made this such a memorable day.

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