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To Race or Not to Race OR To Row or Not to Row

Updated: Oct 20, 2023

by Stephen Taylor

To row or not to row, that was the question thrown down by Amanda for the Challenge Row at the Regatta. Amanda asked if there was anyway that she, and other members of the club who had never raced, could take part of the Seaford Bay regatta. The organisers were approached and it was made so - the Challenge Race was born.

Before the regatta, we practiced racing starts, long continuous rowing, various levels of pressure, turning around buoys, breathing, timing and come the day, albeit delayed because of the original foul weather, the Race.

I was deemed suitable for Stroke, having been likened to a metronome for timing. Captain Pippa was our Cox and coaxed us on with her encouragement and setting the pace.

From soon after the start we were in second place and we held that place to the end. The whole crew pulled together and although none of us were "race" crew, we were the best crew on the day and thoroughly enjoyed the experience.

Will I/we race again?

Captain Pippa says "I certainly hope so!"

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